Amazon and Cartier file joint lawsuits against counterfeiters

On Wednesday, the companies jointly filed two lawsuits targeting a social media influencer and eight businesses who have allegedly used social media to push counterfeit luxury goods. The lawsuits were filed in the United…

‘Gorilla’ Google hit with third lawsuit as U.S. states sue over search dominance

The lawsuit against the company’s parent Alphabet Inc follows years of complaints that it and other big tech firms including Facebook and Amazon use their massive market power to smite competitors in pursuit…

French eyewear industry struggles despite appeal of ‘Made in France’

“In the last twenty years, as production has delocalised, many companies in this area have disappeared,” lamented Jérôme Colin, President of the Jura department’s eyewear manufacturers association. He is based in Morez, the…

Gen Z Is splurging on luxury goods to soothe their economic despair

But at the same time, she said it didn’t feel irresponsible. With traditional milestones — like homeownership and a life with kids — so far out of reach, denying herself “little luxuries” wasn’t going to make…

H&M sees no big delays in supply yet due to virus outbreak

The Swedish group sources most of its products in China and other Asian countries, such as Bangladesh and Cambodia.Primark owner Associated British Foods warned on Monday there was a risk of shortages of…